Monday, February 27, 2006

parts list

Display ring based on 8ft ring made of 12 sections. 6 sections to produce 180º. The Uberfez used 2 sections to cover a 90º opening based on a smaller diameter to accommodate the wall taper.

1/2" MDF 4x8 sheet $17.89 enough to make 6 sets of bottoms and walls with a bit left over.
0.22" Plexi 24"x48" sheet $39.99 enough to squeeze out 3 display tops. The Uberfez used .09" plexi which wasn't very sturdy.

28" taper legs $5.99 per. We used 3 legs per cabinet before but if we bolted each section together we could shave off a few legs.
Threaded leg plate $1.49 each

Approx. $40 per cabinet. If we only make 3 of them with Plexi tops then we would save the $13.33 per Plexi top.

48" piano hinge $9.19 could be used to make the walls fold flat for storage.


4x8 sheet of 1/2" MDF
24"x 48" Plexi

4 28" table legs
4 flat mounting plates

I already have the template materials and extra hinges. The lighting will have to be dealt with later.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Fez Booth re-direct

Slight re-direct on our new booth.This year for Tiki Oasis 2006 the Fez booth will be inside.

While I still want to do TofuJoe's design we will have to start in stages.

The plan right now is to build a half ring of cabinets with the overhead elements to be worked out later.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

The Concept

This year we are spinning off the fez booth into its own entity Fez-o-rama. With the Tiki Oasis location change we are looking at doing a new fez booth to go to San Diego.

One of the first suggestions for the new design was brought forth by TofuJoe of the Cult of the Eye:

I have to say I really dig this design.